Sunday, January 08, 2006

H-1 visa to work in India ?

Not long ago I was discussing with a bunch of friends about the long lines in front of the American consulates in India. And then we said - a day will come when these guys have to wait to get a visa to go and work in India. People will be fighting just to get a chance to go work there. At that time I never thought it will happen so soon.

This is an article in buisness week about adveturous people (non-desis) in their 20s getting a job in India and making it their home for an extended period of time.

One of those foreigners said this about his job -"India provided me a growth opportunity that wasn't there back home." This would sound very familiar to middle class Britons in the 1857-1947 period. Most of the English men/women came to India for a better life - they could live in a huge house, and could have servants to attend to their needs.
A full 50 years later history seems to be repeating with a different flavor !!

At this time this is mostly for call center jobs. While they are not really high paying jobs but they do provide enough cash to lead a comfortable life in their new home. May be very soon it will move to other and all kind of jobs. And may be India will once again be the dreamland of oppurtunities, hope and developement - as it was only 1000 years ago.


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