Monday, March 13, 2006

To stop outsourcing

This came up during a discussion at work. We were talking about the money football players make (in US). Most of sportsmen in US get signed up for almost a million$ a year contract. Each football team has about 60 guys in its roster. With 32 teams in NFL thats about 1900 players. If we add up numbers from Baseball & Basketball, there are about 3000 players in all who are guaranteed to make a million dollars each year.
If you are a kid in high school who is interested in making a million, the chance of getting into sports and becoming rich is 3000/300,000,000(=population of USA). Thats about 0.001%.
Compare that to a kid growing up in India who does the same math. A cricket team needs only 10 players. Most of the money that goes into sports (in India) goes into cricket. His/her chances of making money in cricket is 10/1000,000,000. That comes to 0.000,001%.
This math shows that kids growing up in US have 1000 times better chance of making money in sports compared to a kid in India. No wonder India produces more engineers than US.

There is only one way outsourcing can be stopped - Pay up the Engineers !! If US can sign up 3000 engineers for a million dollar contract every year, more students will take up engineering and outsourcing can be stopped.


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